At Work

Industry Presentations

Siri has been called upon to speak at industry events:

  • 2010:  Overstimulated?  How A QRC Can (Better) Handle Lots of Stimuli in Groups; QRCA Conference
  • 2004:  Moderating to the Max (with Jean Bystedt and Deborah Potts); QRCA Conference, NY Chapter, Philadelphia Chapter, Washington DC chapter
  • 2001: Unleash the Power of Projectives (with Rosalia Barnes) ; QRCA Conference
  • 2000: Creativity for Moderators (solo); New England Chapter, QRCA
  • 2000: Co-Chair of the QRCA conference
  • 1999: Creativity for Qualitative Researchers (with Maureen Olsen) ; QRCA Conference
  • 1997: An Introduction to Projective Techniques “Revisited” (with Jean Bystedt) ; QRCA Conference
  • 1996: Hands On: Experience New Techniques in a Safe Environment (with Suzette de Vogelaere) ; QRCA Conference
  • 1995: An Introduction to Projective Techniques (with Jean Bystedt); QRCA Conference


Moderating to the Max:
A Full-Tilt Guide to Create, Insightful Focus Groups and Depth Interviews

"Those interviews were great. It’s funny, during an interview I would think '…and the brands you use are?' And you would say “Let’s talk about brands”. Uncanny."

Jim Dunne
Director of Research, Beiersdorf